Powersheets 2021 Review
Powersheets are an amazing intentional goal planning workbook
that guides you to cultivate what matters.
If you’ve been anywhere near Sweetpea in the last six years, you know I talk about Powersheets like I’m selling brooms on the corner.
They are on my desk 24/7, used almost daily, and the lifeline of my business. Well, not really the “life-line,” that’s a bit dramatic… But! They are *the* tool I use to plan ahead!
I’ve done a very poor job of sharing these with you all—it does feel quite odd to go from easy recipes to goal setting… But! That’s changing in 2021.
One of the best ways to stay accountable with Powersheets is to find a tribe of people who will do them with you! Showing up with others to cultivate your goals each month is exactly why I’ve been so successful at using them.
In 2021, several other powersheets users and I will be teaming up to share our monthly tending lists, and talk through what we’re working on! Yay!
But, I also want to share with YOU this process, since you can’t sit at my table each month.
Let’s talk about what I purchased this year!
I purchased the One Year Cultivate What Matters 2021 Powersheets Goal Planner in Sea Glass. This is my first year not having confetti, and at first, I was a little sad about it!
Now that I have them in my hands, it’s gorgeous and perfect.
Did you know you are 42% more likely to achieve the goals you WRITE down?
Not type… pen to paper write down with your hand?!
You open this gorgeous workbook, and you are guideded through the hard “prep work” that helps uncover your goals for the upcoming year. I don’t mean hard in that it’s painful… It takes some time and thought processing and some motivation to power through. I give myself a good week to week and half to complete it.
Here’s my prep work process:
- Read through the entire prep work section, without writing down a thing! (I may highlight a thing or two… there are SO many good nuggets of wisdom in those pages!)
- Next, I begin filling in what I can. If I get stuck in a spot, I move on and come back to it.
- After everything has SOMETHING written in it, I let it sit a day or two.
- I’ll read through everything again, and that usually sparks some thought.
- My powersheets tribe and I love taking a day+ to work through all of this together. It’s so helpful to bounce ideas or thoughts off one another.
After moving through several pages of “prep work” you select your Word of the Year.
This is the word or phrase you want to drive your train that year.
For 2020, mine was CONSISTENCY.
I don’t have some eloquent way of finding or deciding on my word of the year other than, that was the most used word in my prep work. I wrote it over and over, consistently. ?
After you select your word of the year, you go back through and see which 8 goals you want to cultivate for the year.
The most popular and results-backed goal planner, nine years running!
I’ve been using Powersheets since 2014, when they came in a package, and you put them in your own three-ring binder.
And boy oh boy, every single year, they make them better.
For 2021, the focus will be on 90 day increments. Still setting 8 overall annual goals, but using the action steps and tending lists to really focus in on what you can achieve in 90 days that get you closer to your annual goals.
I mean, if the dumpster fire year of 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that when you plan ahead things can show up and thwart those plans.
So, use your 90 days to the fullest with what you have, and see how much you can accomplish?!
Made for you this year—students, empty-nesters, corporate professionals, entrepreneurs, love-at-home moms.
12 months of intentional goal-setting worksheets and coaching to help you set goals and follow through.
A simple process that helps you break big goals down into small, daily steps.
I absolutely L-O-V-E the Monthly tending lists.
Putting onto paper exactly what I want to do, and being able to check off the boxes, it’s an enneagram 3’s dream!
Exclusive seasonal worksheets to refresh and refocus your goals each season.
This page was a huge change!
At the beginning of each quarter, you do a goal refresh.
You take a look at what’s been working and what hasn’t been, and reevaluate where you need to.
They’ve even got a full line of “Wildcard Pages” that you can purchase. They’re sized and colored to match your powersheets. But, you can also head over to their resource page and print your own.
I purchased the Wild Card pages last year, and I didn’t use as many as I thought, so I’m going to see if I use them this year, and if not, I’ll print some off for myself.
Made with the highest quality materials including hard covers and rounded gold corner protectors.
I mean, look at all these amazing ‘school supplies!’
It’s an office products dream—they all coordinate, and everything is just perfect.
The markers definitely got into my cart, they’re brand new this year!
Check out all the Working from Home items I’ve curated inside my Amazong Influencer Store. It’s got all my favorite products I use for Powersheets!
Alright, y’all! I’m fired up over setting new goals and intentions for 2021, anyone else?!
Save this image to your favorite goal-setting or planning board on Pinterest!