
Setting Intentional Goals for Your Business in 2022

Setting intentional goals for your business in 2022 is how you’re going
to achieve the biggest dreams you can dream of for your business!

cultivate what matters powersheets

We’ve all heard about SMART goals for business—and that’s great…

But! I’m here to share how you can set intentional goals that will help you achieve your wildest dreams!

Unfamiliar with SMART goals?

S – specific
M – measurable
A – attainable
R – relevant
T – time-bound

This year, let’s work through a different kind of goal.

A goal that will make a difference in your life.

A goal that will help you grow your best life.

Let’s work towards a goal (or a few!) that will turn 2022 on its head and create the life you dream of!

For starters, let’s focus on what matters.

Now, I use a goal-planning system from Cultivate What Matters.

You can watch my full review below, or head over to my “new-I’m-finally-doing-something-with-it” YouTube Channel!

If you’re not investing in Powersheets, I’ve got a printable goal planner that you can print and use over and over. It’s SUPER basic, and you can download the free printable below by entering your email.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself before you decide what goals you’d like to work through:

  1. What worked this year and what didn’t work?
  2. What do you want to be known for?
  3. What does your most purposeful year look like?

After you’ve given these questions some thought, make a list of 4-8 goals. Since we have four quarters in a year, I focus on one big goal each quarter.

That usually means a launch, new product, big project, or one consistent theme for the quarter.

post it notes for goal setting

Alright, so let’s break down those goals into action steps.

Taking your 90 Days, what are the monthly action steps you’re going to take to progress towards your goal?

What little step can you take every single day that will move you closer to your big goal?

Looking at your lifestyle choose daily and weekly action steps you can do to help inch you closer to your goal.

For me, that looks like one mundane task each day, something small, that adds up over time.

Each week, that looks like doing the same routine action step that moves me closer and closer to my goals.

Need an example of small tasks that add up over time?

  • Make your bed EVERYDAY. Every morning, get up, and immediately make your bed. You’ll quickly discover how that little hit a “productivity dopamine” helps you not slide back into bed, but jumpstart your day.
  • Create a checklist. Add three things you want to accomplish in the hours you have. 
  • Time your tasks. This will be a whole other post, but knowing how long it takes to do a task is so helpful when making your daily checklist.

What do my weekly tasks look like?

  • Scheduling my social media each Monday morning – I schedule it out for the whole week for Instagram and Facebook. Then, I use mhy Content Planner to see what I need to post on other outlets.
  • I write 1-2 posts per week.

setting intentional goals for your business

The small moment’s matter.

Years ago, for my Word of the Year, I chose the word MUNDANE.

It’s not a pretty word.

Mundane has that connotation that just sounds dismal and bummed out.

However, read the meaning: “characterized by the practical, transitory, and ordinary.”

In the small, mundane moments of life, we find what is most important to us.

We can find what we really want to spend our life doing.

In those mundane moments, we might not be able to see the progress, but it adds up.

Little by little.

SO, friend, as you plan your quarterly goals, think about your small (or big!) business and what the wildest dream is for it!

Write it down, break it down, and cultivate those action steps.

Check out my favorite Working From Home products on Amazon, and set yourself up for setting intentional goals for your business well!

creating goals for your business

What does an intentional goal look like?

It looks like the big thing you want to see over the next 90 Days.

Maybe that looks like social media growth.

It could look like creating a new product and cultivating leads for that product.

You could also launch a really big course!

When you know what your BIG GOAL is for the quarter, you can use your days and weeks wisely as you inch closer to that goal.

Your daily intentions are driven by that BIG GOAL and fuel your focus!

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