Live Your Best Life. Don’t you love that phrase? I do, and I use it all the time… Maybe, a little too much?? But, I really do love my life, and I’m going to continue saying it’s the best!
For me, this means being super productive and creating systems for myself where I can not only get things done, but get them done well. Below I’ve listed a few of the items that help me live my best life with Amazon Prime… Prime Day starts July 16th! Save the date!
Amazon Pantry: seriously, this is a fantastic tool. You add your grocery items to the box, and then PRIME! They ship to you on the regular.
Subscribe & Save: Toilet paper. Paper towels. Tissues. Cleaning products. Laundry detergent. You name it, they probably have it! Select your product and quantity, the schedule that works best for you, then PRIME! It’s delivered. You can even save up to 20% on diapers, baby food, & more compliments of Amazon Family.
Audible: This has been a total game changer for me this year. My brother has used Audible for a LONG time, but I just got on board last Fall. I listened to a couple books, and fell in love. Since January 2018, I’ve listened to 28 books. Using my time wisely by furthering my education in several areas by listening in the car. I listened to Kevin Hart’s I Can’t Make This Up and just cried with laughter. {It’s pretty crass, so caution!} I’m super excited for Reese’s Book Club! I don’t branch out of the “personal development” section very often… So, this should be fun!
Prime: Seriously. Amazon Prime has set the bar so high for shipping expectations. If I go to order something and have to pay shipping, and it’s not on my door in two days… #firstworldproblems.
What ways do you use Amazon Prime to live your best life?! I would love to hear if you use a product that you just L-O-V-E!
I’m Ashley! The Sweetpea behind Sweetpea Lifestyle! The hostess with the mostest who is ringing in the new southern belle! Let’s edit out the mess of the over complicated dinner party so we can cultivate community! As an avid host, I love sharing dependable, easy recipes that help you gather your people around the table and share a delicious meal with others.