Friday’s Link Love


Happy Friday, Friends!!


This week was my fave week of the year…. VALENTINE’S DAY! Yay.


And, my dear family gave me a KITCHENAID MIXER. Seriously. Y’all. I burst into tears.


Here I am, tears streaming down my face. With my dear grandmother, and my KitchenAid mixer!

I have just about every kitchen gadget imaginable. If I want/need something, I don’t hesitate to buy it. However, this mixer means a lot to me. I’m almost T-H-I-R-T-Y. No husband on the horizon, therefore no wedding shower where I would unwrap this beautiful, essential piece of equipment. It was the ONE item I said I would never buy myself… If I ever get to register for house goods, this was the ONE item I was going to list. And, as I’m typing, I understand this is trivial in the BIG picture of the world. But, in my BIG picture, this is monumental. So, I’ve signed up for Craftsy baking classes {If you know me, but at all, you know I am NOT baker!}, and have been scouring Pinterest for all the baked goods.


Here are a couple of my finds that I can’t wait to try!


This Pound Cake from Heaven from Plain Chicken is DELICIOUS! I made it late last night…! And it came OUT of the bundt pan… And was edible!! Y’all. Big deal.

Here’s my terrible food photo of my cake! That was just like the recipe! ?  ? ? ?




Whoa, baby! This Nutella Cheesecake from Baked by an Introvert looks AMAZING. Seriously!! This will definitely be happening for my All the Pretty Things Weekend with Edie Wadsworth!


Speaking of All the Pretty Things Weekend, these little rollup samiches with definitely make an appearance! Happy Go Lucky Blog, I can’t wait to try your Italian Sandwich Roll-Ups!



Cooking Classy is always a winner! Not only in food photography (how amazing does this salad look!), but also in taste. I’ve never been disappointed in a recipe! This Mandarin Pomegranate Spinach Salad with Poppyseed Dressing will be on my table this week!


What caught your eye this week?? I would love to hear! Have a great weekend! Next week, I’ll be sharing my morning and evening routines, my “homemaking” routine, and a couple recipes you won’t want to miss!



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