February Goals
The first Monday of each month, I list out my goals… Using my beloved Powersheets, I’m ready to tackle the action items!
Last month went okay… Started out GREAT, then ended fairly sloppy. I had some pretty intense “things” happen that needed my attention, and in my world the first to be put on the back burner is my Powersheets. Which is okay! I give myself grace to do so, and not feel guilty.
February’s Goals:
DECLUTTER: desk, china cabinet, and around closet
Successful Entertaining: add photos, workbook updated, and cookbook reworked.
Plan, shop, and prep meals
EBA unit
Write SE + work on launch plan
3 posts on Sweetpea Lifestyle
(Weight Watchers)
120 ounces of water
track food!
10,000 steps
8/8 hours
MWF post on SL
She Reads Truth Study
20 minutes of reading
I’ve been using a Monthly Inkwell Press Planner from her line at Office Depot — and I love it!! For blog planning — I don’t like to clutter my daily agenda with blog stuff. So, I plan out the month, then add to my Inkwell Press LiveWell planner, and I keep record of what posts are going live on what day — As well as preplanning posts that need photos… Which means I have what I need to photograph in pink, along with a cute little sticker! That way I can work ahead, and not scramble on the day of to get a post up! As you can tell, I’m a huge fan of preplanning! I found the system works well, and I’m always making tweaks to it. You’ll notice in the picture above under the plan column I have each post listed, along with the date. To the right, I have four columns representing written, photographed, published, and scheduled. This is a new tweak I’m making for the month of February, and I’ll be sure to let you know how it works out! I try to write most of my posts at the beginning of the month, and then just fill with photos as needed. But what happens, is I get confused on what I’ve written, when I have it written, when I photographed, and what still needs to be photographed… So I’m hoping this streamlines my process and keeps me more organized!
What goals are you working on this month? I would love to know!