5 Must Have Habits
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Cheers to 2017!! Whew! I blinked and 2016 came and went…
I’ve set my goals for the year — they are in my powersheets and Inkwell Press planner — and I’m ready to begin cultivating 2017.
As I mull over what I have planned, five habits keep recurring. A couple of these I excel at, others need serious work.
Here are my five habits —
Steady Routine
This is where I need help the most — I need to create and establish a daily routine that starts my day well, and ends strong. I’m not talking about a schedule — I’m talking about wake up at 6am and read for 20 minutes, followed by half hour of working out kind of things. These seem like a schedule — but, would become more routine over time. A habitual daily routine helps everyone be more successful in their day! Every day is different for me, and having a morning and evening routine would be nice. What are your #1 tips for establishing a routine?? If there is one thing you can recommend to do in the morning or evening, what would it be??
I also need work in this area.
If you know me in real life, you know I am never in the same house very long. I live out of a suitcase, and like a nomad. ((I pet sit often, nothing too exciting, friends!))
When I am away from my “real” home, I am very tidy. I cannot go to bed with dishes in the sink… But, when I am home, clutter can surround me, and I care, but I don’t do anything about it.
I need to remember to “Do It NOW” and not put things off day after day. Simple concept, yet so hard to implement! Why is that?!! Speaking of “Do it NOW” — last week, I cleaned out my closet. Built the IKEA Kallax shelf, and decided to take everything out of my dresser and closet. I went through it all! Purged DEEP, y’all! Which feels so good at the beginning of the year.. You should try it! 😉
I made everything fit within the hanging space, and the Kallax shelves. For me, I’ve always been a fan of a small wardrobe. If I love an item, I want to wear it all the time — which I do! Thank goodness Capsule Wardrobes are en vogue.
In being tidy, you need to own less things. As my dear friend Joy puts it “Only own the things you love.”
This is where I excel well. I am a naturally efficient person. When I run errands, I start at the furthest place, and work my way back home. When I make my grocery list, I make it according to how my grocery is laid out. If I am picking up a space that has multiple items that go multiple places, I make piles, then go one time to each place… Instead of constantly running up and down and all around. For me, this is simple. But, for some, not so much! I think this is a great habit to establish — and kind of engulfs all the other habits. I would be most efficient if I practiced a steady routine, while picking up my items and putting away as needed. See what I did there?!
Time management.
I *think* I excel at this?? Sometimes, I manage my time VERY well. Usually those are my busiest days — and I know I have a lot to do. ((Does that happen to you?! You get the most done, under pressure?!)) The #1 used app on my phone, well two apps, are my calendar and my timer. I have reminders for all kinds of things! Wake up. Pick up kiddos. Chop veggies for supper. Marinade chicken. All kinds! If I need to remember it, it usually gets added to my calendar with an alert! I am early everywhere I go, and it irks me to no end when someone is late. ((Sorry, mom… I’m talking about you right here. But, you know that already!)) But, being ON time isn’t the same as time management. It’s similar, in the fact that I know I need to leave 20 minutes early to get places — but, not the same in that I don’t always use the 1.5 hours well leading up to the 20 minutes before I need to leave.
Heart of hospitality
This seems a little odd being in this line up of habits. But, what goes along with ‘hospitality’ is having a kind heart to everyone, welcoming any unplanned items into your schedule well, being generous with your time, and encouraging those around you. Nothing above matters if I am not a kind, hospitable person. Yes, I may strive to keep my routine or plan my day efficiently — But, if I let the small things get in the way, nothing gets accomplished!
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What are you must have habits?? Any that you are trying to work on in 2017?? I would love to hear from you in the comments below! Feel free to share or give a virtual high five.
Cheers to a healthy, happy, and habit forming new year! I can’t believe Sweetpea Lifestyle will 7 this year!
PS… This is my first post with STOCK photography…. And, it’s killing me, y’all!
I’m linking up to Mix it Up Monday at Flour Me With Love, Inspire Me Monday with Simple Life of a Fire Wife, and Inspiration Monday with I Should Be Mopping the Floor!